Jaap Koehoorn Yellow Drops
Famous Yellow Drops
For Trichomonas and Ornthosis Complex.
Yellow Drops
For Trichomonas and Ornithosis Complex .
Yellow Drops are based on Acriflavin , not an antibiotic, but a disinfectant with effectivity against Trichomonas and the Bacteria of the Ornithosis complex .
Most common use during racing season is 1 drop in the throat before the flightor 3 pipets on 250 gram feed or 500 ml water.
Other people mix 10 ml over 1 kg feed and give this the day after the flight.
When not racing, they give this at least one day in 2 weeks.
In case of problems it is to be administered for 2 or 3 days.
Don’t give in the eyes! Be Careful! Causes stubborn spots in Clothes and Furniture.
Not for Animals used for Human consumption.
Storage: Dark and dry, protected from heat. Keep out of reach of children!
Close packing well after use and wash hands.