Rohnfried Alasan 100ml
Rohnfried Alasan 100ml
Rohnfried Alasan 100ml, excellent remedy for muscular problems, bumps and bruises with anti-inflammatory effect.
- Prevents muscle problems such as strains, overloads, cramps ...
- Very effective to treat muscle injuries from bumps and bruises
- It has anti-inflammatory effect
- Reduces muscle fatigue
New Improved Formula
- Dilute 5 drops Alasan in a little water and administered directly to peak 2 times daily
- To treat several pigeons while dilute 200 drops in one liter of drinking water
- To prevent muscle problems, Alasan 100 drops (5ml) per liter of water two times a week
- To reduce muscle fatigue, 2 days before the flight, finishing the basketing day, 100 drops (5 ml) per liter of water for 2 consecutive days, ending on the day of basketing
- 100 ml